Wednesday, February 15, 2006

In Short

Apparently, you have to be in the medical profession for your time to have value. I was scheduled for a CT scan this morning. I was told to arrive at 7am having had nothing to eat or drink since midnight. I dutifully complied and sat in the waiting room for a full hours, save a 3 minute registration, to be called back for my scan. Once in the room, I hung up my coat, laid down on the table, was shoved in the machine and 3 minutes later I was on my way. I spent an hour waiting for a 3 minute procedure. I should send them a bill. If George Costanza was here we would have the "delicate genius" conversation.

Anyway, I really got made at Wal-Mart the other day. I was waiting in line at Wal-Mart behind a family who were all dress nicely in name brands clothes, leather and suede jackets and $50 kicks. They ran their stuff down the belt and when it came time to pay, they wipped out a food stamps card. I saw them leaving the parking lot in a car newer than mine. Ok, this really torques me. If you can afford nice clothes and a nice car, you can afford to buy your own damn food. Getting help buying formula and such when you have infants is one thing, but at some point in time you have to say enough. If you truly can not make ends meet, please feel free to go get assistance. That is why it is there and why were are the greatest country on Earth. But if you are on public assistance just to line your pockets or becuase you can, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Lets talk about driving for a moment. If you are on a two lane highway, that is a highway with two lanes of traffic heading in each direction, 4 lanes total, you should learn some common driving courtesies.
1. Slower traffic drives in the right lane.
2. Doing 56 compared to the slower lanes 55 does not warrant a tenure in the fast lane while it takes 20 minutes to pass someone all the while blocking both lanes.
3. When entering the highway, enter into the right lane. Do not shoot all the way across to the left lane because you might go fast at some point.
4. If entering from the left, stay in the left lane until it is safe to merge into the right lane, then do so with all possible haste.
5. If you can not accomplish 4 and 5, do not enter the highway
6. If turning right, get in the right lane before turning right. Do not turn right out of the left lane.
7. Use you damned crusie control. There is nothing more aggravating than someone in the slow lane who matches the speed of an oncoming fast lane traveler, only to roll up on another car in the slow lane, merge left to pass, then merge right to catch up.
8. Get off the damn phone.

Finally, in response to my sister's blog, here are my selections...

5 places I've lived.
Wayne, Michigan

5 places I've visited
Hawaii: Went in 1991 for the 50th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor with the high school band. I have been aboard the Arizona.
London: I went on a business trip in 1998. I was January, and cold... and wet. But cool. I stayed in a hotel that was like 400 years old.
Montreal: Again on business, in December of 2004. Really cold and snowy. Damn Cold.
Orlando: DisneyLand
Anaheim: Disney World
Chicago/Cincinnatti/Detroit/Atlanta: For baseball games.
Washington DC; Baltimore; Atlanta again....

5 places I want to visit
Beunos Aires

5 jobs I've had.
Hay hauler
Pizza delivery guy.. with my sis
What I do now

5 movies I could watch over and over
The Matrix
Sense and Sensibility
Mr and Mrs. Smith
last 20 minutes of Field of Dreams
Shawshank Redemption

5 TV shows I watch
Boston Legal
Grey's Anatomy
American Idol
As much as I hate to admit it.... All my Children

5 bad habits
Eating to much
messy truck
throwing my clothes on the floor wherever I disrobe
watching AMC

What I was doing 10 years ago
Framing houses in McMinnvile

What was I doing 1 year ago?


Blogger Kel said...

* I had the same experience with my CT last year.
* Foodstamps and freeways: amen!
* Hawai'i and London: I hate you. ;)
* Edinburgh was in my top 5 to visit in the first edit. Still top 10.
* I have not seen even one of your top 5 movies.
* House!
* Throwing clothes on the floor... where have I seen that recently?
* Tom Selleck in short shorts as Magnum. Has nothing to do with your post (unless we go back to that Grey's Anatomy shower scene), but morning WGN is oh so nice....

9:15 AM

Blogger Kate said...

Nice choices on the movies, Jake. Don't even talk to me about time having no value- it's not just the medical industry that feels that way about us. Amazing how little service there is in an economy where 85% is "service".

12:40 AM


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